
My Flirty Thirties List

My flirty thirties list... list of things I must do before 30, things outside of my comfort zone. My friend brought to my attention the idea of having a list of must dos... before i turn 30. Things I wouldn't normally do or even have the guts to do them, but wish to do. This list will almost force me or push me to accomplish these things. For all those who know me I'm a bit conservative and sort of more anal than the average person, hence I am not the most spontaneous nor adventurous person you may know. Knowing this about myself, I wish to challenge myself with this list and make sure I reach my deadline. And so my list goes...

Flirty Thirties List
(Things I must do before 30...outside of my comfort zone.)

  • Bungee Jump.
  • Fall in Love.
  • Go skinny-dipping.
  • Go on a hot air balloon ride.
  • Learn how to play the guitar.
  • Cut my hair, short short.
  • Learn to Swim.
  • Learn to speak a foreign language.
  • Go white water rafting.
  • Lose 40lbs.
  • Fire a rifle, shotgun, or pistol
  • Zip-line

I have 5 years to accomplish all these...is it plausible? I think so, NO~ I know so because I will make it happen! hehe

Any other suggestions or ideas are welcome~ ^_^

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