
Life's too...Precious.

Life is precious and not ours to decide when to go, it's not in our hands but in God's. As a friend, family member, coworker, and or anyone else... it's our job to help remind those around us that life is too precious to end it. Hearing of others shamefully leaving the beautiful earth that God has created...without his permission, just angers me and breaks my heart all at the same time. It makes me think that it could have been anybody and what can I do to help. Let's be each other’s superman and batman! Hehe

Our lives go by so fast sometimes it's hard to notice the signs people around us are giving. We are so involved in work or school, it's hard to just stop and for a moment and really look around us. Take a moment to reflect and see what is really going on around us; it could really save a lot of heartache. I can't begin to imagine the pain and sorrow it brings for the people they leave behind. We live such a fast-paced lives these days it's hard to put the breaks on, until something big comes in front of you...but at that point it could be too late and hits you too hard. Speeding through life is not what I want and will try to slow down and take a moment to look at the scenery.

Let's all remember how lucky we all are and how grateful we should be. When anyone gives us a gift even if it's something we don't love, you say thank you. We don't say hey this is not what I thought it would be or wanted, can I exchange it or give it back to you? God's given us the gift of life... we are undeserving of his grace, cherish every moment. As humans we it's hard at times, we are not perfect by we sure as heck can try.

Let's all have a cup of tea and chat~ ^_^

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