

I found myself  going through everyday life forgetting to remember what I wrote about two years ago.  I came across my blog from April of 2011, titled Life's too short.  I want to re-post it in order to keep myself accountable and remember what's important in life.


Life's too short.

Life's too short to stress about the little things, although it's hard not to stress about certain things big or small, it's good to remember life is just too damn short! We stress about aging and getting older but in fact stressing about it ages us more. All it does is add another wrinkle to the many to come. It's natural and bound to happen, we can't stop it so why expedite the process by worrying about it. Easier said than done but hey! why not try to look on the brighter side of things. My hesitations with things I'm not positive will bring the outcome I might "want" holds me back...same concept as how do you know it taste bad without actually trying it. You will never know because you didn't want to take the chance. It might look horrible but at the same time it might look like that but be the best thing you've tasted in your time. Never know until you try. Trying to open myself up to other options outside of my norm is difficult but something I'm willing to work on, day by day. 

It' s hard but I continue to think that life's too short for nonsense. Too short to be at a job you hate, too short to drag on a relationship that's unhealthy, simply too short to be doing something that is not right for you. And you decide what is right for you and what is considered a dead end (In God of course.) I need to learn to enjoy life the right way and what is the correct way? I may never know what that is exactly~ but I sure can try...live to the fullest with no regrets. Some thing you may loo
k back on and shrug but hey let's make that a lesson.


Since life's too short for the stresses that come to us daily, why not go out and have fun! You need those days you can just let loose and have a good time. To just relax do what makes us happy.


YOU Dessert it!

Wow it's been so long since I've blogged. Decided to share some of the cakes I've made, and if I were to ever have a name for my sweets... I just came up with "You Dessert it!" <-- get it my last name is YOU and dessert instead of deserve hehe. Thought it was cute this morning~

By popular demand I've listed some cakes and how much it would be, depending on size/detail/colors/time+materials

Also can do just cake toppers, chocolate spoons, cupcakes etc. (cupcake prices below)

Noah's Ark, baby blanket cake, my latest cake for Carol unni's baby shower. (65)

Chanel inspired birthday cake. (50)

Who cut the cheese, funny birthday cake. (65)

Pretty in Pink, birthday cake. (50)

His and Hers birthday cake.

Sitting on cloud 9 (27) birthday cake. (60)

Hello Kitty picnic birthday cake. (60)

Cupcakes: Dozen/25, 2Dozen/45, 3dozen/65 (Prices vary if you want more detailed designs)

Chocolate spoons~

Just a few for eye candy''hehe too many others to post all.
Happy viewing~


Sunshine after the rain~

Weather is great today, loving the sunshine after the rain. Pools of water reflecting in the sun, felt so good this morning walking my lil dog. Last day of work here and starting a new day at my new job tomorrow.

Work is giving me a goodbye lunch today, sweet of them. I'm excited for my new journey at my new work and excited I'll be helping others while I work. New opportunities and new experiences.

Thank you to my coworker and her hubby for the cake and to my bosses for the lunch and everything you guys have done for me and taught me! Will miss some~ haha

Goodbye' and Farewell~ I've over stayed my welcome~ hehe.


I don't enjoy rain but today's rain "hello" I welcome you. I feel like we needed that, but it's pouring outside! One of those days... I want to curl up next to a fireplace and drink hot cocoa, sounds so perfect right now. So ready for Autumn, I don't know about winter yet...but is there really a BIG difference in Cali weather? haha

Happy Wednesday <3


...and so it's Monday again.

Monday again, but today seems to start the week off fresh and bright! New week, Friday I shall start my new job, pretty excited for that~ Thursday will be my last day at my current work.

I cleaned my whole room this weekend, maybe that's why I woke up not minding it is Monday. Reorganized my closet as well as my shoes closet, threw away all the stuff I don't wear or use, and cleaned my room + bathroom. Scary how happy that makes me lol.

Wishing everyone a happy Monday and the rest of the week, hope to see you soon Friday! ;)


Life's too...Precious.

Life is precious and not ours to decide when to go, it's not in our hands but in God's. As a friend, family member, coworker, and or anyone else... it's our job to help remind those around us that life is too precious to end it. Hearing of others shamefully leaving the beautiful earth that God has created...without his permission, just angers me and breaks my heart all at the same time. It makes me think that it could have been anybody and what can I do to help. Let's be each other’s superman and batman! Hehe

Our lives go by so fast sometimes it's hard to notice the signs people around us are giving. We are so involved in work or school, it's hard to just stop and for a moment and really look around us. Take a moment to reflect and see what is really going on around us; it could really save a lot of heartache. I can't begin to imagine the pain and sorrow it brings for the people they leave behind. We live such a fast-paced lives these days it's hard to put the breaks on, until something big comes in front of you...but at that point it could be too late and hits you too hard. Speeding through life is not what I want and will try to slow down and take a moment to look at the scenery.

Let's all remember how lucky we all are and how grateful we should be. When anyone gives us a gift even if it's something we don't love, you say thank you. We don't say hey this is not what I thought it would be or wanted, can I exchange it or give it back to you? God's given us the gift of life... we are undeserving of his grace, cherish every moment. As humans we it's hard at times, we are not perfect by we sure as heck can try.

Let's all have a cup of tea and chat~ ^_^


Life's too short.

Life's too short to stress about the little things, although it's hard not to stress about certain things big or small, it's good to remember life is just too damn short! We stress about aging and getting older but in fact stressing about it ages us more. All it does is add another wrinkle to the many to come. It's natural and bound to happen, we can't stop it so why expedite the process by worrying about it. Easier said than done but hey! why not try to look on the brighter side of things. My hesitations with things I'm not positive will bring the outcome I might "want" holds me back...same concept as how do you know it taste bad without actually trying it. You will never know because you didn't want to take the chance. It might look horrible but at the same time it might look like that but be the best thing you've tasted in your time. Never know until you try. Trying to open myself up to other options outside of my norm is difficult but something I'm willing to work on, day by day.

It' s hard but I continue to think that life's too short for nonsense. Too short to be at a job you hate, too short to drag on a relationship that's unhealthy, simply too short to be doing something that is not right for you. And you decide what is right for you and what is considered a dead end (In God of course.) I need to learn to enjoy life the right way and what is the correct way? I may never know what that is exactly~ but I sure can try...live to the fullest with no regrets. Some thing you may loo
k back on and shrug but hey let's make that a lesson.

Since life's too sh
ort for the stresses that come to us daily, why not go out and have fun! You need those days you can just let loose and have a good time. To just relax do what makes us happy. This weekend is perfect for that "ME" time and just have fun whatever it entails. My 4day week is much needed and excited it's so close!

My Friday Starts today so work hard & play HARDER! hehe Happy & safe Memorial Day weekend!